
 As a group of volunteers with limited resources we are always extremely grateful for any financial contributions to support our continued research into different aspects of Fovant’s rich and varied history. If you would like to donate, our bank details can be found below, but please also send us an email on letting us know, so that we can acknowledge and thank you for your generosity.

Bank name: Lloyds

Account Name:  Fovant History Interest Group

Sort Code: 30-98-97

Account Number: 67722662

 Thank you for your support


The Fovant History Interest Group would like to continue up dating our knowledge of the village’s history so please join us to add your information

The group will continue to add to Margaret McKenzie’s collection that will be available through FHIG.


  • To carry out  further research on the history of Fovant using local libraries, archives & museums
  • To create a ‘living history’ archive by interviewing and tape recording the older residents of Fovant and recording their collections of documents, images and artefacts.
  • To reinstate and curate a museum of artefacts from the First World War memorabilia bequeathed to FHIG in a fitting space for the benefit of the village and historians.
  • To catalogue the historical records and images of Fovant and make them available to anyone wishing to access them via the website and other publications.
  • To interest the residents of Fovant in the history of their village by organising, taking part in, or contributing to events.

The Fovant History Interest Group are planning a small show on the Sunday the 21st July.

For more details click here.

Help will be needed

PDF of previous show