Footpath and Bridleway
From the Chilmark road, C.276, at the top of Schoolhouse Lane, leading south and south-east through Touching Head Copse to path No. 8, where it becomes a Bridleway for about 59 m and continuing south-east to the Salisbury – Shaftesbury road, A.30, about 137 m north of Gunvilles. Approximate length: 1207 metres. Width: 1 metre.
North to South
The path leaves Tisbury Road by a metal finger post (998291) indicating a Public Bridleway to the A30 at a distance of ¾ mile [1]. Passing the Rainbow Centre on the left, the paved path enters Touching Head Copse to become rather muddy before turning left along an obvious sunken path, which continues to be muddy in patches. After about 300 metres the remains of a stile can be seen on the left (999289) which is the junction with Path 8
After another 60 metres the sunken path turns sharp right by a large tree on which there are two waymarks [2], but you should carry straight on through a gap in a holly hedge (000289) and turn left along the side of an open field, with a wire fence and vegetation to its left [3].
Follow an uncultivated strip along the length of the large field until at the end of the field, by a wooden garden fence and in the vegetation, is a displaced V-shaped stile (006284). Turn left here down a few steps [4] to a narrow path, between a garden fence and hedge on the left and a wire fence and scrub on the right. The end of the path on the A30 (006284) is not marked and there is just a gap on to the road [5].
South to North
The path starts on the A30 [5] to the west of The Rectory (006284). Take the straight and narrow path (!) keeping the laurel hedge on your right. At the top of the slope you will go up some steps where you should turn right into a cultivated field. The path follows an unploughed strip along the length of the large field [3]. Keep the hedgerow on your right and walk the length of the field until, at a corner, you will see a small gap, by a holly tree. Go through this gap and, after a few paces, you will emerge into a wider sunken road.
Path 8 branches left at this point [2], but you should go straight on, along the sunken road. After about 60 metres the remains of a stile can be seen on the right (999289) which is another junction with Path 8 .
You are now passing through Touching Head Copse where the path becomes rather muddy and turns right to pass the Rainbow Centre on your right. You will emerge into Tisbury Road by a metal finger post (998291) which indicates a direction to the A30 at a distance of ¾ mile [1].
December 2002