- That this Society be called the “Fovant Provident Pig Insurance Society” and the object be to insure against loss the Pigs belonging to the Working Men of Fovant.
- That any person insuring must pay sixpence as an entrance fee for each Pig, and sixpence per quarter as contributions; all payments must be made in advance. No Member to receive benefit from the Society for three months unless an extra sixpence be paid at time of entry.
- That all subscriptions shall be paid quarterly at meetings held on the first Thursday in January, April, July, and October; any person whose subscriptions are in arrear shall have no claim on the Society, and shall pay the usual entry if wishing to renew his membership. Members must also pay the usual entrance fee if desirous of increasing the number of Pigs insured.
- That, if any member purchases a Pig knowing it to be unsound, if it can be proved to the satisfaction of the Committee, and it should die, that member shall not receive any benefit from the Society, and any member having a Pig die under the value of ten shillings shall not receive any benefit from the Society. No breeding Sow or boar Pig shall be insured.
- That a Committee be appointed every year at the Annual General Meeting which shall be held in October. The Standing Committee shall consist of five members and the Treasurer and Secretary. All the accounts of the Society shall then be brought forward. The Treasurer, Secretary, or three members may call Committee or Special General Meetings. The surplus funds of the Society be invested in the Post Office Savings Bank.
- That if any member shall insure a less number of Pigs than he keeps, he shall give notice to two members which Pigs are insured. Should he fail to do this, in case of illness or death the Committee shall decide which are the insured Pigs.
- That any member sustaining loss by premature death shall give notice to two Committee-men, who shall value the same and report to the Committee, who shall give an order for the amount of loss sustained to be paid to the member within fourteen days.
- That if any member have a Pig ill, he shall immediately give notice to two of the Committee, who shall see the Pig and ascertain if the illness had been brought on by any neglect on the part of the owner, and if so, in case of death, a report of the same shall be laid before the Committee and their award shall be final and conclusive.
- That if any member shall have a Pig ill and not likely to survive, the Committee are empowered to have the same killed, and if the Committee are not at hand, the opinion of the butcher shall be obtained and, if it is not safe to let the Pig live any longer it shall be killed, and the carcase valued and the deficiency made up to the owner. Should it, however, be sold, at market price, nothing shall be allowed from the funds; or if it be not valued by the Valuers of the Society, nothing shall be allowed. The Committee must be allowed to see the Pig alive or dead.
- That if any member fails to comply with these rules, or has a Pig killed on his own responsibility and without consulting two of the Committee, he shall be allowed nothing from the funds.
- That the expenses of managing the Society, which shall be carried on at the least possible outlay, shall be charged on the funds. That the time of meeting shall be from seven till eight o’clock from October to March, inclusive, and from eight till nine from April to September, both inclusive.
- That any member heard swearing or using bad language at any meeting of the Society shall forfeit three pence for each offence; if a member refuse to keep silence after being requested to by the Chairman he shall forfeit threepence for each offence; all forfeits to go to the funds. Three members shall form a quorum at any meeting.
- That when the Committee go to see a Pig which is ill or dead they be allowed sixpence each for their trouble.
- That any Committee-man refusing or neglecting to go and see a Pig that is ill, after being requested to do so by the owner and in reasonable time, shall forfeit one shilling; this forfeit shall not be imposed if the Committee-man find another member of the Society to act for him.
Note – It is particularly requested that each member make himself well acquainted with these rules.
Secretary and Treasurer .
FHIG’s copy dated April 2nd 1908.