Introduction to Key Stage 2

The following eleven worksheets are all in the form of questions. They run in a chronological sequence starting with the actual cutting of the badges, through the recruit’s training, wartime experiences, demobilisation … and remembrance. The sheets need not be followed chronologically, for each one has largely been designed to stand alone, so that the teacher can ‘cherry pick’ individual sheet, or sheets, to suit the age, maturity and interest, of the children involved.

The gruesome horrors of war have been deliberately played down for children of this tender age, but something of the trauma of the situation in which men found themselves is also indicated.

Remembrance and the futility of war is the final message of these worksheets.

Now click on the following headings to go to the individual worksheets, including the Teachers’ Briefing Notes.


September 2012

Content last updated 

30 December 2012